As one of the four guardians who protected the reservoir of Super Energon beneath Cybertron's surface, Superion Maximus was awakened from stasis by Megatron, but unlike his fellow guardians, Bruticus Maximus and Constructicon Maximus, refused to fight at his side, instead joining the Autobots, eventually leading to a final confrontation with his former allies, through which he prevailed with the help of the ghostly apparation of his brother, the fourth guardian, who Megatron had destroyed. Superion Maximus's body is composed of five separate jets. The central body called Silverbolt, able to transform from jet to robot mode, while the four limbs called Airazor, Air Raid, Skydive and Fireflight has its own personality and can indeed transform, in the style of the classic five-man combiners.
PRE-ORDER : Play Arts Kai Deadpool
8 years ago
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